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4 Tips to Improve SEO In 2022

Every nonprofit wants to be on the coveted first page of Google results. Improving your SEO this year will help!

With continuous search engine algorithm updates, staying up to date and implementing SEO best practices is key to improving your rank, increasing organic traffic, and standing out from the competition. 

In this article, we review 4 SEO tips, both tried and true and new to level up your search engine marketing strategy. If you find yourself in need of expert SEO services for nonprofits, check out our SEO services.

Improve Your Nonprofit’s SEO in 2022

1. Create a First-Party Data Collection Strategy

The era of gathering data through third-party cookies is coming to an end. Officially, so in 2023 when user information will no longer be collected through Google Chrome (the world’s most popular internet browser). 

With this in mind, creating a first-party data collection strategy should be at the top of your 2022 SEO checklist. 

What is first-party data? 

Simply, first-party data is consumer information you gather through your own acquisition channels rather than through a third party. 

For many years, marketers have relied on third-party cookies to capture data points about users’ online activity, interests, and habits in order to build successful campaigns, customize online experiences, promote specific products, content, and more.

With growing privacy concerns, the transition to first-party data aims to better protect the privacy of users. While good for consumers, this presents a new challenge for many businesses in reaching target audiences.

How do I collect first-party data?

The goal is to work equally as hard to get people to your website as you do to keep them there. Content that is interactive, valuable, and unique from competitors encourages engagement and will be key to growing your database of consumer information.

The following are a few ways to collect first-party data on your website: 

  • Subscribe to a high-value email list
  • Take an engaging quiz
  • Join an exclusive community 
  • Utilize an interactive calculator
  • Request a quote
  • Interactive with video content
  • Sign a petition of support
  • Download a guide, report, infographic, etc. 

While these tactics can be lead-generating in nature, meaning you receive user information in return for something of value, they can also be used to simply increase time-on-site, brand value, and differentiate you from your competitors. 

2. Improve Page Load Time

It’s not new information that page load speed is a factor Google considers when ranking sites in the SERPs. With more sophisticated Apple and Android devices released every year and software updates taking place while we sleep, our tech is literally getting faster and smarter overnight. 

Shiny new devices and better processors mean faster load times, and if your website isn’t able to keep up you could potentially be minimizing your audience. 

By improving your website’s page load speed, and by default your user experience, you can improve your SEO presence and work to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. 

To measure your page load time, use a free tool like PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom Tools

A few quick ways to improve page load time is to:

  • Reduce the number of redirects on your site. Each time a page redirects to another, web visitors experience a waiting time for the response cycle to complete. 
  • Optimize your images. Use a free tool like TinyJG to compress images without compromising the quality. 
  • Reduce the size of your files. Use file compression software to reduce the size of your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files that are larger than 150 bytes.

3. Update Your Existing Content 

Oftentimes people get caught up in pumping out as many articles and blogs as they can. 

While a solid stream of content creation is definitely beneficial, updating existing content with new information or learnings and more focused keywords to create longer-form content is a great way to make a piece of content more comprehensive and position you as a thought leader. 

Studies show longer-form content produces higher search rankings, builds website authority and credibility, and can more easily obtain backlinks. 

4. Enrich the User Experience 

A rich user experience is undeniably a main pillar in a search engine optimization strategy. If your website is still rocking an outdated aesthetic, has a confusing navigation menu, and worse, has broken links you can bet anyone who found their way to your website is leaving almost immediately. 

In addition to page load speed, Google also factors in time-on-site when ranking your website in the SERPs. If users quickly click away from your site due to poor UX, Google will likely see your site as spammy and deem it unuseful for obtaining useful information. 

A useful exercise you can do to better understand your websites user experience is to:

1. Navigate your site yourself. Start by going through your entire website as one of your customers would. Complete the steps to purchase a product, read about your services, and schedule an appointment. Note any hiccups or clunky experiences you face.

2. Use a tool like UserTesting, which gives a task to a real person to complete. This exercise helps you understand how users interact and navigate your website.


If you haven’t updated your website in a while, it may be to time consider a new site design to freshen your online presence and breathe life into your brand. 

Because search engines and Google’s ranking factors are constantly evolving, the art of SEO requires ongoing mastery rather than a “set it and forget it” mentality. If implementing or even fundamentally understanding how to improve your website ranking is overwhelming for you, you’re not alone. 

Our team of search engine marketing experts are here to help you rank higher on Google, improve your website content and usability, and understand how SEO can complement your greater marketing strategy. Start your SEO marketing strategy today!