behavior change

How to Build An Effective Online Behavior Change Campaign

Asking someone to change their established behavior is never easy. While online tools, techniques, and platforms have given issue-based activists more power than ever to reach people with their message, the internet is a noisy place. Online campaigners have limited resources and face competing messages. Having the right behavior change campaign plan in place is an absolute must.

That’s why we teamed up with our partners at VegFund for a free webinar to walk through the essential building blocks of a successful digital behavior change campaign. VegFund is a grant-giving organization in the animal rights and welfare space that provides vegan activists with money to run online campaigns that encourage positive behavior changes for animals.

If you’re thinking about creating your only behavior change campaign, or actively running one of your own, we encourage you to watch our free talk to get grounded in the essentials. Expect to hear about proven messaging, social media, and email marketing best practices. We’ll also show you how to impress your supporters and donors by measuring what matters most: the amount of change you’ve created and your Cost Per Good Done. Whether you’re focused on animal rights, environmental issues, or another cause, our talk is universal.

Full Presentation Download

Looking to get your hands on the complete slide deck? You can download the entire presentation in PDF form here.

Presented by: Kyle Buetzow and Luke Dringoli
Media Cause Introduction: Leah Gage, VegFund

Want more digital pro tips? Follow us on Twitter @MediaCause. Have questions about how to build your own digital campaign to effectively change the behaviors of your target audience? Get in touch.