Let’s Get to Work at Media Cause DC
We’re ready to get to work at Media Cause DC!
Washington, DC
The nation’s capital. The hub of American politics. Keeper of historic and national treasures like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Stomping grounds of the Redskins, Wizards, Capitals, and Nationals. With tourist attractions like monuments, memorials, the White House, the Capitol, and several Smithsonian museums, including the National Zoo. And now, home to Media Cause’s third and newest office!
New Beginnings
But the DC office isn’t the only thing that’s new at Media Cause, because with the new DC office, comes the new DC employee — and that’s me! I’ve been a resident of the District for almost five years, and am so excited to continue my capital adventures with Media Cause.
Media Cause & Me
I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the world, no matter how small. I believe in leaving the world a better place than when I came in. I spent the beginning of my career working for different nonprofits, ranging from bipartisan political issues to international think tanks to disability inclusion efforts. But no matter the cause, it was always to do good. And I found a perfect match in that sentiment in Media Cause — “a hunger to do good and the ability to do it”.
Let’s Get Digital
Sure… I’m still the new kid and learning the ropes here, but in my first few months, I’ve built on the knowledge of how powerful a digital strategy can be for our clients. In a world where more than 3.2 billion people are connected to the internet, it’s an expansive marketplace and communication hub to reach people.
Time to be a Gladiator
At a time where activism is at new heights, people are making their beliefs known, and using technology to do so, I couldn’t be more excited to be where I am right now. Living in the nation’s capital, and having spent some time in politics, I am no stranger to activism. Helping progressive causes make a difference is something I can be proud of and am thrilled to be able to say my passion is also my career.
Get Ready DC!
Media Cause DC is open for business, and we couldn’t be more excited — especially me. Watch out DC gridlock, Media Cause is ready to get to work!
TLDR: Too Long Don’t Read
Me >> Media Cause
Media Cause >> Washington DC
Me + Media Cause = Ready to do some good in DC!
The end…for now!
Want to learn how Seiko and the rest of our team of digital strategists with a hunger to do good can help accelerate the impact of your organization? Get in touch.