Leveraging Google Ad Grants to Teach History


Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. They create professional development and classroom resources for educators.

“Facing History helps students connect choices made in the past to those they will confront in their own lives. Our resources address racism, antisemitism, and prejudice at pivotal moments in history.”

Facing History’s Ad Grant has multiple objectives: Website Traffic, PDF downloads, Account Creation, and Newsletter Sign-Up.


clicks (+177% YoY)


avg. CPC.


Spent during 2020 (+290% YoY)
The Challenge

When we first started partnering (back in 2018), the account wasn’t structured correctly and we needed to start from scratch. We faced three challenges:

  • Our main goal with Ad Grants ads is to reach and convert educators. We had to make sure we were reaching and converting Facing History’s target audience.
  • We also had to make sure we are not driving bad/unwanted (white supremacist traffic) traffic to FH’s website. 
  • FH’s resources are also focuses on anti-semitism and genocides. However, since Google does not allow bidding on these terms or using these terms on ad copy, we had to find a solution to reach educators looking for resources on these topics.

Finally, not sure if this could be considered as a challenge, but we wanted to be able to utilize the full Ad Grants budget.

The Strategy

In order to create a successful strategy driving traffic to the Facing History website, we focused on the keywords that educators might use while researching resources on search engines.

The Implemnetation

Google Ad Grant Success

By leveraging Dynamic Search Campaigns and incorporating evergreen content we were able to maximize their grant month over month. We implemented an ongoing testing strategy and daily optimizations, which allowed us to increase their click-thru-rate from 9.4% to 11.4%. 

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