There are 11 million people who are living as refugees across the world today. Helping this vulnerable population achieve stability and success requires the ability to share best practices and elevate the stories of success. Trickle Up approached us to build a website to house these resources and stories.
We built a highly modular and flexible microsite based on the concept of atomic design. Our goal was to build something that could rapidly (and attractively) scale without the need to re-engage us to add new pages or features. Working collaboratively, we honed in on messaging architecture and site structure that was both easy to access while deep enough to provide rich content. We also focused on ensuring the site was built completely mobile-first and could be used in low-bandwidth areas to allow for people in the developing world to access the important resources that Trickle Up and their partners had created.
Content Strategy, Copywriting, Technology, User Experience, Website Design and Development.