Four Tips for Being Creative in the Workplace
Creativity is often associated with being an artist. If you’re not an artist by profession, it’s easy to tell yourself that you don’t have room to be creative at work, but that’s not true. With the right mindset, just about everyone can be a bit more inventive in their day job.
People often ignore their own creativity due to a lack of confidence and a misunderstanding of what it means. Being creative means thinking outside of the box and allowing your imagination to have a voice. Here are four tips to help bring out those creative thoughts at work.
1. Anyone can be creative, it’s a mindset
If you don’t believe you can be creative, how will you ever be? A positive mindset makes all the difference. This mindset allows you to take on problems from a different perspective.
A small step you can take is trying out different approaches to tasks. Creative problem solving is a great way to think of new ideas that can open your eyes to many possibilities you may have never seen. If you have an open mind for trying new things, your creativity will expand and grow.
2. Creativity has no bounds
You may not be a traditional artist (a painter, designer, musician, actor, etc.), but that doesn’t mean you’re not creative! There are no boundaries for creativity.
You can express your creativity in the way you communicate with supporters, in how you approach challenges at your nonprofit, or the way you balance your calendar. Creativity does not always need to produce a beautiful piece of work but can be woven into your daily activities. Your creative “products” might be saving 30 minutes on your calendar or coming up with new, unexpected ideas.
The mundane aspects of your life are a great place to start incorporating creativity. How can you make a dreaded task feel less laborious? How can you make that bus ride to work feel less boring? Ask yourself these questions and you might surprise yourself with the ideas you come up with.
3. The importance of collaboration
Sharing ideas is key! Sure, you can be creative by yourself, but bouncing ideas with others allows you to brainstorm in ways you couldn’t imagine. People in tune with their creativity are always asking questions and are hungry to know more and try more. Don’t be afraid to contribute and be a part of conversations.
Be confident in your ideas–you have a perspective that is uniquely yours, so chime in and share. Collaboration allows you to ease into thinking creatively as well. Learn from those around you and let others inspire you. Next time you have a chance to contribute your perspective to a conversation, take the small step and share! Whether it’s a casual group text with friends or an important team meeting at work, every conversation has importance. Keep your ears attentive and your mind running because these conversations may provide you with much-needed creative fuel.
4. Just go for it, it’s a learning process!
You can read and watch all you want about being creative, but the best way to learn is to just do it. If you never try, it’ll never happen. The more you practice and flex your creative mind, the more you will feel comfortable doing it. Your creativity may not always pan out the way you expect, but it’s ok to make mistakes, everyone does! Don’t worry about perfecting your creativity—it’s a path to explore and you won’t always know where it’s headed.
As you explore your creative side, leave room for flexibility and always keep a growth mindset. Have fun adding your creative insights into the world!