Facebook’s Audience Network: Should I use it?
Creating Facebook ads and understanding where to place them can be daunting. Should you use mobile, desktop, Facebook’s Audience Network, etc.?
In the past, the Audience Network had not been very effective. Costs were typically higher and conversion rates were typically lower. Recently, I decided to give Audience Network another chance. I figured since their platform is becoming more sophisticated with their retargeting and conversion tracking, perhaps their partner network improved as well.
To my surprise, Facebook’s Audience Network outperformed all other placements! We were running a lead acquisition campaign using two tactics: ad-to-landing page and Facebook’s lead generation ads.
Our results were:
Audience Network – 2.7% CTR and 3% conversion rate
Mobile Newsfeed – 1% CTR and 1% conversion rate
How should I use Facebook’s Audience Network?
There are three things to keep in mind for your next campaign.
- Optimize your content for mobile – Audience Network is distributed on mobile. Make sure all graphics and any web content are cut to mobile specs.
- Create a hyper-targeted campaign.
- Do: Create a highly targeted audience using Facebook interest and demographic targeting. Retarget users who have been to the website, but have not yet converted.
- Don’t: Avoid generic copy for a blanketed audience. Craft all messaging for a target audience.
- Monitor your ads – Use Facebook’s ad reporting to check ad placement. If you see one placement is performing better than others, adjust for cost and/or conversions.
Let us know how it goes! Tweet @MediaCause with your results or reach out for help with Facebook advertising using the form below.