How to Get Hired at Media Cause
Our Team is Everything
We are building a company culture where employees are not just valued, they are the heart and soul of our organization.
Our team is the reason why we’re making an impact for our clients and building a business that’s changing the world.
So, how can you join us? Here is a view into how to get hired at Media Cause.
In 2017, we hired less than 4% of candidates that applied for positions at Media Cause. There are a whole lot of people who are looking to make the world a better place, and It’s our job to bring together the best set of talent for our clients. Over the past six years we have learned a lot about who will be successful at Media Cause. As you start (or continue) your career journey, we thought we’d share a few of those attributes.
The Four Pillars of Getting Hired at Media Cause
Our basic framework is called the Four Pillars. It helps guide us through each and every applicant to see if and where they could fit into our teams. Fun fact: Media Cause operates on a pod system. Our teams are small units of 3-5 staffers that are cross-functionally trained across several platforms and strategies. It is not necessary for someone at Media Cause to be an expert on every digital platform, but a team of 3-5 will have every angle covered.
What are the Four Pillars?
- Digital Acumen
- Mission Passion
- Startup Hustle
- Culture Fit
Pillar 1 – Digital Accumen
How does this play out in the application process? Our first screen helps us understand how well an applicant fits with the job description. Does this person have the technical skillset to do the job? Highlight your experiences as they relate directly to the job description. Bonus consideration is definitely given during the the first screen if you write a compelling cover letter explaining how you would be a good fit at Media Cause. We are a small team that gets into the trenches of digital marketing, and making sure the folks we have with us are just as committed to creating change and impact for our clients is essential. Let us see right out of the gate that you are ready to change the world.
Pillar 2 – Mission Passion
Next, we try to understand what someone cares about – their mission passion. Some folks who join our team have experience working at or with nonprofit organizations already. They care deeply about a particular issue, be it the environment, income inequality, animal rights, etc. We have a diverse set of passions at Media Cause. There is not a specific cause or mission we are looking for a passion around, rather we screen to understand the depth of that passion. If you are applying at Media Cause because you believe working with nonprofits or social impact companies would be easier, then this is definitely not the place for you. We are looking to change the world, not settle for mediocrity.
Pillar 3 – Startup Hustle
Working with nonprofits provides unique variables to operate within. First, there are the obvious budget constraints. We are often required to do more with less. To figure out a workaround, a hack, create a Frankenstein’s monster of platforms or data points to get the impact we are looking for. We also work in an environment where we are oftentimes building capacity within our clients on certain aspects of our work. We find this to be one of the most rewarding parts of our work, because we believe when we build that capacity and expertise we can accomplish more with a client. We are also working with different bureaucracies (for better or worse) and many different organizational models. Long story short, we need our folks to hustle. Figure out how to get from point A to point B with creativity, honesty, and patience.
Pillar 4 – Culture Fit
Finally, we screen for culture. We want to be surrounded by smart, fun people who care about the work we are doing just as
much as we do. We also want folks who take the work we do seriously, but not so much themselves. We ask ourselves a couple of questions with every applicant after they’ve come in for interviews: (1) Do they pass the airport test? Basically, would you want to be stuck in an airport with this person if your plane was delayed for 4 hours. (2) Can they put together an IKEA desk? Always a good exercise in humility, patience, and hustle.
If you read this and thought, “Wow! This place is for me.” Then apply! Tell us all about it in your cover letter. Finally, let me leave you with a great quote I heard this fall at the Sprout Social Partner Day event:
“You can’t do epic shit with basic people.”
And there is nothing basic about trying to change the world.