December 14, 2020
Agency Culture, News,
Media Cause Joins Green the Bid
Media Cause is proud to announce we’ve joined Green the Bid. Green the Bid is a movement to make production sustainable in all ways. It’s our job to do whatever we can to help safeguard our environment, which is why we joined Green the Bid.
Green the bid is a community and forum with professional resources and guidance, built by and for agencies, production, post, and other supporting entities.
As an advertising supporter, we pledge to:
- advocate directly to their clients and cost consultants about taking reasonable financial responsibility for their productions being zero-waste and net carbon-neutral.
- we’ll actively partner with a sustainability consultant or work to champion production companies that are committed to independently implementing sustainable practices on every shoot.
As marketers and advertisers, we ask you to join us in this endeavor—making our productions carbon neutral.