Thursday Thinky: Design, Experiment & Flying

No, we are not playing tricks on you. Yes, it is already Thursday! How did it happen? Who knows for sure, but maybe you deserve to slow down. Take five for yourself. Have a break, yet don’t have a Kitkat. Instead, we’ll serve you a Thinky! This week, we are taking you on a journey that will start with gun violence, once again, and end with historically powerful typography.

Thursday Thinky: Arches, Bees & Cancer

Do you know what happens when the Thursday Thinky meets Throwback Thursday? Well, you either get a really long hashtag or a fun Thinky on past campaigns. Let's go for the latter!With Fall about to show on our doorsteps, I decided to dive in the Thinky archives to put together a summer rewind edition. So this week, we'll talk about gun violence and pancreatic cancer awareness.
paper cutout of uterus

5 Organizations Making Strides For Sexual Health + Reproductive Rights

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month, which means it’s time to turn our focus to an issue that is seldom discussed but deserves much attention.Societal stigmas and conservative cultural norms have pushed the topic of sexual health into taboo territory, and a study conducted by the American Sexual Health Association found that 26% of adults feel too embarrassed to discuss issues of sexual health with a healthcare professional. As a result, countless patients are missing out on conversations, resources, and education vital to their overall health and wellness.

Introducing “WHAT GIVES?”— When Cause Marketing Gets It Wrong (and how we’d make it right)

OH, HELLO THERE If you follow Media Cause on LinkedIn or on our blog, you've noticed that while we work primarily with nonprofits, we're also deeply invested in the ever-changing world of Cause Marketing. It's a critical component of the social impact space in which we live, breathe, and work—and, it's an important avenue for NPOs to consider because of the awareness, engagement, and revenue that partnering with a brand can deliver. 

Thursday Thinky: Sounds, Sharks & Soccer

After a successful launch last week, we're back for more!It's Thursday, the weekend is near but not quite here, and you desperately need a mental break. Don't go anywhere--we have just what the doctor ordered... A Thursday Thinky!This week we are featuring some heavyweights (Coca Cola & Adidas), an innovative uses of sounds by the Boys & Girls Club of America, a questionable Shark Week campaign, and amazing creativity coming from students and interns. If any of these campaigns make your wheel spin, we’d love to hear your thoughts--get in touch with us!
facebook fundraising

How to Leverage Facebook Fundraising

Facebook’s Social Good features have proven to be a game changer for nonprofit’s fundraising strategies. Over 20 million people have raised more than $1 billion since the platform launched its “Facebook Fundraisers” and Donate Buttons in 2015. It’s great Facebook is paying attention to nonprofits and giving them the attention they deserve. With any new tactic or tool, you should always have a clear goal, strategy and usage rules.